Sunday, January 17, 2010

Problems and Policies Abroad

Herbert Hoover faced several domestic problems during his presidency, and he also faced many problems abroad. The Great Depression did not only affect the American economy - but econonmies in Europe as well. In Germany, the Germans were expericencing huge economic problems too. As their currency dropped in value, and the government realized that it was unable to pay the debts it owed from World War 1. And without the money that Germany owed them, other Allied Nations found themselves also unable to pay the American banks THEIR debt. It was a circle of currency and economic problems that brought down all the countries involoved.
Plus, the Smoot-Hawley tariff that Herbert passed resulted in slowing down world trade as other nations raised tariffs- instead of helping out America.
As Japan started to make advances in Manchuria, Herbert Hoover and his Secretary of State -Henry Stimson- disagreed on how to react. Together they wrote the Stimson Doctrine, that basically said that America was going to ignore Japan's military action in China.
Afraid of another World War erupting, Herbert wanted to stay away from all military action possible. Herbert even supported disarment, and begged nations to reduce their weapons.
Although the foreign affairs mentioned earlier were not successful, Herbert did achieve his goal to strenghtem America's relationship with the countries of South America. Before his presidency even began, Herbert Hoover spendt several weeks in countries of Latin America, trying to show that Latin America COULD trust America to honor their rights as independent countries. His goal was to affect Latin American government through friendship not force. He would not allow America to step in during the revolutions in South America - even though some revolutions were against America. And Herbert WAS successful at strengthening America's relationship with South America.

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